Friday 31 March 2017


God always gives us opportunities to serve Him, when you look around you will realize that somebody needs your attention.
God strategically positions us in our communities for a purpose and this purpose is to serve God and save Lives.
He is always faithful to them that will say here Iam Lord send me!

And to them that answers the CALLING the most fufiling thing is to see the results of your labour. We take this oppprtunity to share with you on how the Lord has been using us to change our community for HIS glory and expansion of HIS Kingdom.


It was on the 15th of february,2017, when i received a call from my client that she has given birth to a bouncing baby boy.We were so excited and especially that mother and baby were both doing fine. The baby was named Tawezia meaning "He has been brought back". This reminds us how God has used us to rescue this defenceless life. We had a privillage of visiting them and taking a gift for the baby. This was very fufiling and has rekindled the passion to save more lives.

In Zambia its now a government policy for every expectant mother to under go at least two ultra sounds before delivery, due to the high maternal deaths in the country.But the problem is every pregnant woman will have to pay for the scans, and it will suprise you that out of 10 women who want to abort in our community its because of poverty.And even those that desire to keep their pregnancies they end up not going for antenatal due to the requirements they end up delivering from home to dodge the hospital expence and unnescesary requirements according to them. it will surprise you to hear that the average family lives on less than  $1/per day. We managed to sponsor one of our clients (Mwango)to undergo her first ulrasound.And prepare her for antnatal booking.

We have another client (Chungu)who is due next month , she is 9 months pregnant and has a 1year old baby, her husband has refused responsibility over the pregnancy and he has abandoned her and is now involved in a extra marital affair. She is almost due and has not bought anything for her baby yet.

We have another Client(Elizabeth) she was forced by her boyfriend and when her family discovered she was pregnant they threw her out of the house and her father threatened to burn her with hot water.They have since withdrawn her from the tailoring school, her boyfriend has refused responsibility .By the grace of God, we managed to convince her to keep the pregnancy and we have been able to accomodate her.

1.We are praying For Restoration in Chungu's marriage and protection for her life and unborn baby.

2.We are praying for Elizabeth who is just 12weeks pregnant  with all the stigma and rejection she is going through its going to be a long journey. she will need a sewing machine to keep her busy.since we have already accomodated her, she will need some funds for her daily sustenance, antenatal classes and ultra sounds fees.

3.we are praying for baby clothes to assist our clients

4.we are also praying for funds for the ministry to run well.

We need your prayers and support.

Serving Faithfully in Christ,


Saturday 18 February 2017


Many times when we start doing something especially in the lines of ministry a lot of questions pop in like, Am I really called for this? am I doing it right? Is God in it? Is this what God wants me to do? WHY????? Because pioneering work is not easy.We need the strength of God and encouragement from those who have gone ahead of us.God has called us my husband and I to serve and save lives in its entirety by this I mean regardless age, ethnicity, background etc..We believe every human being is valuable in the sight of God, our mission is to bring every human being we are able to reach to the understanding that their lives are valuable before the sight of God and that God has a plan for every life JEREMIAH 1:5

God has placed us in a community called Kamakonde about 10 km from Kitwe town. the people in this community do not understand the value they have in Christ Jesus. Some of the people in this community live reckless lives, some are illiterates, most of them are addicted to a traditional strong beer called LUTUKU.

Last year in June God spoke to us to plant a Church and win these helpless souls to Christ.The community only had one community school with 2 classes and 2 other temporal classes with 700 learners. Many other children don't go to school,.we were moved by this situation and we decided to start a school to help them get a better future.

We attended a Pan African for life conference in Ghana and our hearts were steered up to start a pregnancy resource ministry because in that community abortions are the order of the day. There is a woman who performs traditional abortions, she charges according to how old the pregnancy .she even performs third trimester abortions.By the grace of God we have started the center and God is doing tremendous things in this community.


This is a great work we have and we need your prayers and support.
Pray for more souls to be saved
More babies to be saved
Finances for the ministry
A piece of land to build a facility where all these work can be done. At the moment we are just renting'
May the good Lord bless you for your prayers in the mighty Name Of Jesus Christ.